30 Alexandra Road, Clevedon, BS21 7QH
Telephone 01275 871360/ mobile 07713816790
Hats for hire and for sale
Designer range of hats, fasinators and
Based for over 30 years in the quiet seaside town of Clevedon is Scruples Exquisite Hat shop. Owned by Celia an expert eye for matching hats to outfits and advising on the style that flatters your features.
Also there is a range of nearly new designer mother of the bride outfits, which you are welcome to try for size on in our fitting room provided before you purchase.
We stock over 1000 designer hats, fasinators and hatinators, with all the colours and shades of the rainbow to choose from and match perfect to your outfit for your special day.
Prices start from £35 - £150 to buy or from £25 to £60 to hire (with a refundable deposit of £20 on return of the item).
Opening times are
Tuesday,Thursday, and Friday
10.30am - 4.00pm.
Saturdays are by appointment only until further notice.
Sorry for the
Each year are approx
mid Dec until early Feb. Tel the shop for exact details
on the answering machine for this period.
Urgent appointments can still be made, if required tel 07713816790
We offer an out of hour service
on request for those busy ladies amongst you which can be booked
with myself on my mobile number 07713816790, this is a
more personal service.
Payment is by cash or cheque please.
You can follow us on our
Facebook page: scruples exquisite
About Us
Celia has had this successful business for over 30 years and has built up an admirable reputation. She has a wealth of experience and will be sure to help you find the right hat for your outfit and will give you impartial advice if required.
A very friendly and welcoming shop, you will almost ceratainly find what you are looking for.
30, Alexandra Road, Clevedon,
North Somerset. BS21 7QH
Shop 01275 871360
Mob. 07713 816790